The DoFollow Club

a Mad Mango Marketing creation

It must be Tuesday...

Howdy folks and welcome to the second iteration of:

The DoFollow Club

  **Insert Jazz Hands**

March was quite the month for backlink building and the SEO space in general, with some "helpful" updates coming down the pipeline, along with some other big changes to come.

The Mango team saw some exciting backlink projects come to fruition these past few weeks that I think you'll enjoy and maybe find some inspiration in, as well as some tips and tricks that helped us secure those opportunities and so many others just like them.

So sit back, grab a mango (or your fruit of choice), and enjoy all the fun stuff we've put together for you over the past month.


Some Backlink Humor
The best of the best from HARO each month

HARO, or Help a Reporter Out, is an online platform where journalists post inquiries for experts to weigh in on topics they are covering. We monitor platforms like HARO daily for our clients and colleagues, and we often run into funny or downright odd requests. Some are just too good to not share...

Ain't Broke? Don't Fix It.

Leave it to online recipe blogs to over-complicate one of the world's most popular and perfected foods, the Pizza, in pursuit of posting content related to one of the most talked-about current trends, AI.

Articles such as this make me excited about Google's new push to offer Reddit threads for certain queries. Here, a searcher will likely find a tenured chef whose Reddit post was thoroughly vetted by the community, rather than an "authoritative" food blog leaning on AI rather than experience.

Aged Like Fine Wine

Digging even deeper into our archives, this query made me laugh back in 2022, but likely carries even more comedic value today considering the squatter epidemic taking the country by storm.

Imagine if squatting existed in the digital realm with unkempt domains.. one could dream

Backlinks Of The Month

Every month we will be highlighting some of the better backlinks the Mad Mango Marketing team has built as of late.

This past month we partnered with Cota Systems, a freight shipping solutions company, on behalf of our semi-truck mattress client, Sleep Dog Mattress.

This partnership not only allowed Cota to offer our mattresses to their readers and client base on an affiliate basis, but also allowed us to build a mode of trust between our two websites through a series of articles.

With Cota's presence in the shipping solutions space, a collaboration with Sleep Dog was the perfect fit.

Centered Button

After building a relationship with the team at Sparkle & Shine, we put our heads together and were able to develop a comprehensive "How to Clean Light Fixtures" guide for our lighting showroom client.

After seeing their previous success with cleaning guides for other aspects of the home (such as rooms and other home appliances), we decided to invest in researching and developing a similar piece for light fixtures.

This allowed us to tie in our client's backlinks from the article's conception, and do so in an extremely organic fashion, with our links pointing to size or buying guides that would make perfect sense in the eyes of search engines.

Since posting, the article has accrued 25 keywords and continues to improve upon, and add to, those rankings.

Centered Button

Backlink Building Memes


Stumbled across this SEO meme Account a little while back and I must say, they do not disappoint.

We've been seeing websites of all sizes and DA/DR not only suffering from ranking-correction because of overly-AI content, but sites are being completely de-indexed.

While it is still up in the air what exactly caused John Muellers site to get axed by Google, we've been seeing AI-heavy websites across the internet being completely taken out of the game.

We did see a couple of rare instances where there was some level of recovery, but we quickly learned it was due to concerted clean-up efforts from the admins.

Come Home to Roost

Shout out to KaneJamison for this piece of comedic gold, hitting the AI-addict nail right on its head.

After witnessing the AI witch hunt that was Google's March "Helpful Content" update, it felt wrong to not include a quality meme making fun of those suffering from their abuse of overly AI-driven content strategies.

In the words of Scott Westerfeld:

"You can't blame a match for a house built of straw"

Tips to Build Your Own Links

For those who want to DIY...

Assets, Assets, Assets

While in the sticks of link building, some website owners want links in return, some ask for "placement fees", and others see value in expert quotes from your clients for their articles.

At the end of the day, there is really only one thing that all websites want and need. Assets.

These assets can range from infographics, case studies, affiliate offerings, etc. The one asset that has become invaluable as of late: aggregated data.
Creating content that is valuable enough for others to reference on their own accord is priceless.

Our friends over at Lattice Publishing have turned this process into a fine art, creating content that works for you. While this process is far more labor intensive, we consider this one of the gold standards of link-building assets.

Take Your Freebies!

Not every business model applies to this little piece of knowledge, but if you have clients you work with who are not opposed to name-dropping your company for NDA, privacy, or business interest reasons, why not ask?!

Put a new roof on the town library? Ask if they plan on posting about it.

Did you vinyl wrap a couple of your local Police Department's cruisers? Ask if they'll list you as an affiliated business partner.

Did you donate to a charitable organization? See if they'll mention you on their website.

With almost every new client we bring on, there is always meat left on the table. It doesn't hurt to ask, who knows, whether it be local affiliates or long-time business relationships, maybe you can help each other out!

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